SHATTERED: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign
At The Penn Club
A gripping postmortem of Hillary Rodham Clinton's fraught 2016 presidential run, told from inside the campaign that was supposed to win it all. Join the Penn Club for a talk with Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes about their newly released book SHATTERED: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign.
About the Book:
In the vast gulf between the Trump presidency that is and the Hillary Clinton presidency that could have been sits a haunting, persistent question: How did she lose? She was the bulletproof Democratic nominee—arguably the most qualified presidential candidate in history. Yet, on the morning after election day, she was merely history. Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump is the tragic story of a sure thing gone off the rails that prompts a reevaluation of the very notion of that "sure thing." The deeper truth of the 2016 election is much more pointed: For every James Comey revelation or hindsight acknowledgment about the electorate, no explanation of defeat can begin with anything other than the core problem of Hillary's campaign—the candidate herself.
About the Authors:
Jonathan Allen is the head of content at Sidewire, a columnist at Roll Call, and an adjunct professor at Northwestern University. He is the recipient of the Dirksen and Hume Awards and has written about national politics for more than a decade, including as a former Washington bureau chief for Bloomberg News and a former White House bureau chief for Politico. He is a frequent guest on national television and radio programs.
Amie Parnes is the senior White House correspondent for The Hill in Washington, where she covered Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election and is now covering the Trump administration. She has written about politics for over a decade. Prior to this assignment, she
6:30pm lecture, $15 per Member. Advance reservations required by Friday, June 23rd, at which time they are considered final sale. Due to the popularity of this event, this event is limited to members only.