Pennsylvania Avenue to Wall Street: The Best Communicator Wins!
At The Penn Club
Ever wonder how a politician wins the biggest, baddest, most competitive contest the world has ever known? We're talking POTUS Politics here and the answer is quite simple: The winner is always the better communicator. Not the best or greatest ever… just better than the opposition. Message, discipline, and style all trump substance (no pun intended).
Business leaders have a lot to learn by watching this master class in high-stakes public communication. And you'll have a front-row seat as top consultant, political communications commentator and critic Ruth Sherman delivers a dynamic and information-packed tour that will focus on the skills necessary to win over and persuade others and she'll use the candidates from the current and past campaigns as examples of what and what not to do. You'll learn the secrets of successful candidates and show you how you can succeed using the same skills and techniques.
Based on 20+ years as a consultant to corporate, celebrity, and political clients, and author of "SPEAKRETS® The 30 Best, Most Effective, Most Overlooked Marketing And Personal Branding Essentials" (2015 Norsemen Press), Ruth will provide evidence that charisma is not inborn, but learned and that mastering the concrete skills of personal appeal necessary to successfully pitch ideas, mesmerize audiences, and make memorable media appearances is within anyone's reach.
Some of the things they'll cover…
• Authenticity: What it actually is, why it sells, and how you can deploy it
• Establishing a "win theme"
• Message strategy: It's not what you say – it's what audiences hear
• Why what turns you on (data, facts, policy) turns audiences off, and what to say instead
• Delivery skills that inspire and engage – absolutely critical at every level, in every market, and every environment
6:30pm lecture. Advance reservations required. $15 per member and $25 per guest for RSVPs by Wednesday, November 9th. $25 per member and $35 per guest for late reservations.