Minton Anthropology Lecture

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Event Time:
6:00 pm

Club Programs

Anthropology in the Neighborhood: Studying Jews on the Lower East Side with Professor Jonathan Boyarin

Anthropology, once considered the study of "primitive" peoples by their "civilized" contemporaries, has come home in more ways than one. What happens when the world an anthropologist examines is also the one she claims as her own? For decades Professor Jonathan Boyarin has been examining this question. He studies and writes about Jewish communities in places as varied as Paris, Jerusalem, and New York, and about people as different as Yiddish-speaking ex-Communists and Orthodox rabbinical students. In this talk, he will examine the balancing act of living a Jewish life while also critically examining the workings of Jewish community-and he will tell us about the world of the university and the world of the yeshiva, two academic institutions with more in common than we might at first guess.  

Jonathan Boyarin is a professor of anthropology and the Mann Professor of Modern Jewish Studies at Cornell University.  Boyarin’s books include: Jewish Families and Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul, and he recently translated Menashe Unger’s A Fire Burns in Kotsk:  A Tale of Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland from Yiddish to English.

6:00-6:30pm, cash bar reception; 6:30pm lecture, gratis.  Members and guests are invited to dine at The Club following the lecture. The cost is $40 per person, inclusive of tax, gratuity and one glass of wine with dinner. Dinner reservations are required 48 hours prior to the program. Same-day cancellations and no shows will be charged.   

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