Literary New York Tour

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Event Time:
2:30 pm

Club Programs

Discover how the well-to-do area of Sutton Place and the Upper East Side evolved from humble beginnings to a neighborhood that housed some of America's greatest writers. Stops include where JD Salinger lived following his completion of Catcher in the Rye; the location where EL Doctorow wrote Ragtime; the home of All Quiet of the Western Front author Erich Maria Remarque; the homes of Tennessee Williams and Walter Lippmann; and the residence of Sutton Place's most famous couple -- author Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe.
Meeting point: At the police sentry booth near the corner of 57th Street and Sutton Place.  Subway: 4,5,6 to 59th Street

2:30pm tour. $30 per person. Advance reservations required by Thursday, November 9th at which time they are considered final sale.