In Person Event - The War in Ukraine and What Happens Next?

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6:00 pm

Club Programs

Please join us at The Cornell Club for an in-depth discussion of Russia's invasion of Ukraine with Filip Sasic, the Managing Director at Network 20/20 (For more information: and Dr. Bohdan Vivitsky, former Resident Legal Advisor at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. They will discuss their experiences with the humanitarian efforts, realities on the ground, and long-term projections on where this conflict might lead.

The event will be moderated by Matthew Palumbo '83, Cornell Club Member and Co-Chair of the Programs Committee.

Filip Sasic is the Managing Director at Network 20/20. His current portfolio includes projects on entrepreneurship development and geopolitics in Southeast Europe, Ukraine, Tunisia, Iran, and other countries. He has published articles and reports for European and U.S.-based NGOs and think tanks. He has a B.A. degree from St. Francis College in International Business and Political Science, and an M.S. degree from Uppsala University in Sweden in Russian and Eurasian Affairs and Economics. His academic work and research has focused on Russian geopolitics and energy strategy in Southeast Europe, and how economic development impacts the socio-economic landscape.

Dr. Bohdan Vitvitsky retired from the DOJ in 2014. In 2007-2009 he served as a Resident Legal Advisor at our embassy in Ukraine, and in 2016-2017 at the request of then Ukrainian President Poroshenko to Vice President Biden, he served as Special Advisor to Ukraine's Prosecutor General.  He has presented on rule of law and corruption issues throughout Ukraine as well as in the West.  He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and a J.D., both from Columbia.

Matt Palumbo '83 is an international business executive with extensive experience in China. He builds organizations & coalitions from the ground up, focusing on strategies, coaching, and marketing. His liaison work with Chinese and Chinese-American communities led to donations of several significant pieces to Cornell's Johnson Art Museum. Matt's Cornell experience includes time as: President of the Cornell Asian Alumni Association; VP & Membership Chair of the Class of 1983; two terms on the Cornell Botanic Gardens Advisory Council; Chair of the University Council Ambassador Committee; two years on the University Council Administrative Board; membership on Cornell MOSAIC; and more. He's also Co-Chair of the Cornell Club-New York Programs Committee. 

6:00pm reception; 6:30pm lecture, gratis. Advance registration required.