History of the New Yorker Magazine with Tim Savage CALS '69

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6:00 pm

Club Programs

Join Cornell CALS graduate Tim Savage in a light hearted romp through the history of the New Yorker Magazine. Meet the people involved in the Magazine's founding. Learn the story behind the first issue's creation of Eustace Tilly. Get to know the denizens of the Algonquin Round Table. Follow the story of the Magazine's near demise and resurrection by cartoonist Peter Arno's 'Whoops' Sisters. Meet the artists behind the cartoons we've enjoyed through the generations. And more. It's an hour long exploration and reverent summary of the New Yorker's near 100 years. 

After graduation from Cornell CALS in 1969 Tim embarked on a career in graphic design and illustration. His ad agency career included art direction for IBM, Citibank, Bayer Health Care, Diet Coke and many others. Illustration clients include Standard and Poor's, Bayer Health Care and Madison Square Garden. Tim's career in graphics involved a deep appreciation for all aspects of illustration. 

Tim teaches watercolor painting, drawing and New Yorker Magazine history at Great Neck NY Community Education. He guides tours of school children through the Queens County Farm Museum in Glen Oaks, Queens.

Tim is an event coordinator for the Ink Well Foundation, a volunteer organization of cartoonists, animators and illustrators realizing drawing events for hospitalized children in the New York Metropolitan area.

Tim has embraced a lifelong love of the New Yorker Magazine's writing, illustrations and cartoons. He is thrilled with the opportunity to share his enthusiasm for Magazine's work with The Cornell Club community.

6:00 pm reception; 6:30 pm lecture. Advance registrations required. 

We are pleased to have alumni from our affiliate schools join us for tonight's program.  If you are not currently a member of The Club, please reserve with Justine at [email protected]