Building a Modern Jewelry Wardrobe

Event Date:

Event Time:
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Club Programs

Fourth generation jeweler Todd Wolleman ′80 and his wife Debbie will share insights into creating your modern jewelry wardrobe. The couple will take you through their family's collective 200 year old history in the jewelry industry, and share ways to enhance your collection.  By evaluating your existing heirlooms, analyzing your taste, and offering sound advice, the Wolleman's will help you curate more focused jewelry purchases that will bring you years of pleasurable wear.

The Wolleman's are charter members of The Cornell Club, and currently have two daughters at Cornell. Todd, 1980 CALS, is a member of the University Council, past president of the Agriculture Alumni Association, CAAAN member, past board member of The Cornell Club, and chair of his reunion committee. The couple also sponsors the Wolleman Family History Lecture each year at The Club.

12:00noon-1:30pm.  $25 for Members includes lunch buffet and lecture.  Advance reservations required by Tuesday, March 22nd, at which time they are considered final sale.