All-Ivy Panel: Peacekeeping-Intelligence with Leaders from the United Nations at Yale Club

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Event Time:
6:30 pm

Club Programs

Join Major Alex Belin, Lieutenant Colonel Rhonda Brunsting, and Mr. Guillaume Darme in a conversation about peacekeeping-intelligence in an increasingly complex world.
Peacekeeping-intelligence involves acquiring, processing and analyzing information to enable missions to enhance the safety and security of UN personnel and inform operations related to the protection of civilians. It enables missions to better understand their operating environments and contexts, maintain a strategic overview of developments, and predict specific threats and opportunities to enable peacekeepers to effectively execute their mandates. In this conversation, the three panelists will discuss Peacekeeping-Intelligence operations across the world alongside growing complexities on the international stage.
Doors to the Roof will open at 6:30pm for a reception.
The panel will begin discussion at 7:00pm with opportunities for Q&A.

About the Panelists
Major Alex Belin serves as Deputy Military Advisor to the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Sweden to the United Nations. With approximately 20 years of service in the Swedish Armed Forces, Maj. Belin has served in numerous capacities across the world, including Mali and Afghanistan.
Lieutenant Colonel Rhonda Brunsting serves as Deputy Military Advisor to the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations. Lt. Col. Brunsting has serves in the Netherlands Armed Forces since 1988, serving with teams including the NATO-led Extraction Force to Macedonia in 1999 as well as in Afghanistan and studies in the United States.
Mr. Guillaume Darmé is the founder and head of the Peacekeeping-Intelligence Academy at the United Nations. He is also Chief of the Peacekeeping-Intelligence Coordination Team in the Office of Under Secretary General, Department of Peacekeeping Operations.

6:30pm reception, 7:00pm panel discussion gratis.  Advance Registration required by Friday, March 28th at which point all registrations are final sale.  Registration is limited to 1 guest per member.