Club Highlights 2018
THE CORNELL CLUB - NEW YORK , 6 E A ST 44TH STREET, NEW YORK , NY 10017, 212.986.0300, WWW.CORNELLCLUBNYC .COM CLUB HIGHLIGHTS 2 0 1 8 June 2018 Dear Member, We hope that you have enjoyed The Cornell Club-New York’s many facilities and services throughout the past fiscal year. For those of you who have been Members for many years, we thank you for your continued participation and support. For those of you who are new Members, we welcome you to the Clubhouse and encourage you to take advantage of all The Club has to offer. The Club management has put together the annual “Club Highlights.” The report includes information, updates, and highlights from each department: Membership, Guest Rooms, Food & Beverage, Health & Fitness, Club Programs, and Club Services. Kindly peruse the enclosed brochure for more information and photos of The Club. On behalf of The Cornell Club’s Board of Directors, management, and staff, I thank you for your continued support. All of us at The Club look forward to serving you in the year ahead. Regards, Jack Neafsey Chair
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